Being raised by humans as a gladiator, Thrall learned more about strategy and tactics as a youth than even experienced orcish warchiefs learned in their lives. After escaping from the human slavery and meeting Grom Hellscream, he found out that he was a descendant of the Frostwolf clan. He traveled to his ancestor's village, where he became familiar with the spiritual magics of the orcish shamans. Now he combines not only his control over thunder, but also his tactical abilities to turn fights in his favor using impenetrable walls of magic, areas of static energy and even control over time.

Hero Class: Far Seer
Hero Name: Thrall
Alliance: Sentinel
Strength: 19 + 1.9
Agility: 15 + 1.4
Intelligence: 22 + 2.5 (Primary)
Base Damage: 49-53
Starting Armor: 1
Movement Speed: 300
Attack Range: 600
Thrall Skill Descriptions
Thunder Strike

Thrall curses the target to be struck by thunder 3 times over 4 seconds. Foes nearby the victim will also be damaged.
Damage per strike: 50/75/100/125
Secondary AOE: 200
Cooldown: 16
Manacost: 130
Note: No damage on windwalkers and no effect at all on magic-immune users
Your main nuke. The damage is quite hurt and what's more, it's also hurt nearby enemies which make it useful for pushing. You also gain sight on the cursed enemy.

Thrall forces the target back to it's previous position through a psionic rift. Sends the unit to where it was 4 seconds ago.
Cast Range: 600/1000/1400/1800
Cooldown: 60/50/40/30
Manacost: 160/130/100/70
Note: The glimpse effect has some travel time, the target isn't instantly moved back.
Short version of Kunkka's X Mark the Spot. This thing really helpful for initiate a gank and prevent escaping enemy. Other cool thing is you can send back an enemy to their fountain if you cast it just after they arrive with Town Portal (teleport).
Kinetic Field

Thrall summons a circular barrier of kinetic energy, keeping enemies from walking in or out of it. The barrier has an aoe of 300.
Has a 1.2 second cast delay before the field is fully formed.
Duration: 2.5/3/3.5/4 seconds
Cooldown: 14
Cast Range: 900
Manacost: 70
Note: Windwalkers and magic-immune users can walk through your Kinetic Field
The most annoying thing about Thrall. It's like a big Sprout. Watch out for the delay, if you're miscalculate it, you can let your enemies escape. Combine it with Static Storm for maximum damage.
Static Storm

Creates an area of electric instability which damages and silences enemies in the area. The effect starts off weak and then intensifies over 5 seconds, dealing increasing amounts of damage, before disappearing.
Final DPS: 170/210/250
AOE: 375
Manacost: 125/175/225
Cooldown: 85
Note: The damage starts off slow and ramps up continuously until it reaches the max
A pretty decent AoE. The drawback is that it needs some time until reach it maximum damage. Kinetic Field will help you reach that.
Thrall the Far Seer Skill Build
Level 1: Kinetic Field/Thunder Strike
Level 2: Thunder Strike/Kinetic Field
Level 3: Thunder Strike
Level 4: Glimpse
Level 5: Thunder Strike
Level 6: Static Storm
Level 7: Thunder Strike
Level 8: Kinetic Field
Level 9: Kinetic Field
Level 10: Kinetic Field
Level 11: Static Storm
Level 12: Glimpse
Level 13: Glimpse
Level 14: Glimpse
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Static Storm
Level 17-25: Stats
Here is my initial skill build for Thrall the Far Seer. Kinetic Field taken first to help get a first blood or escape from early gank. If you feel you got enough stunner, get Thunder Strike first instead.
Thunder Strike will be maximize first because it's your main nuke. Take a single level of Glimpse on level 4 for additional escape/gank skill.
Static Storm is taken every time it can with obvious reason. After Thunder Strike, maximize the Kinetic Field as it will give chaos to the enemy when ganking and war.
Glimpse is maximize next due the cast range increase which really useful to initiate a gank. Take it early (at lvl 10) if you want to add more effiency when ganking at that level.
If you got different build, feel free to elaborate :)
Thrall the Far Seer Item Build
1. Sobi Mask, 2x clarity Potion, Tango
2. Boots of Speed
3. 2x gauntlet of strength and finish Urn of Shadow
4. Finish Arcane Boots
5. Get Mekansm as fast as you can
Thrall's core item should be like this:

Urn of Shadow - for mana regeneration and some strength (HP for survivability in early game). Can heal ally or damage foe.
Arcane Boots - It can replenish your mana and your team's as well (cause its Aoe). Good for keep your team to always enable to casts spells.
Mekanism - For team's benefits. Stats, armor, positive aura (HP regen), plus active Aoe (heals and +2 armor for period of time) really is awesome for supporting your team. Can also be your healing tool while escaping.
Power Treads - An alternative for Arcane Boots. If you want to play more offensive choose this boots. Its IAS and stats give you dps and survivability.
Magic Wand - If you skip Sobi Mask for some Ironwood Brances you can aim for this item. Good for restore your HP and Mana especially when you meet spam-spellers on your lane.
Eul's Scepter of Divinity - for +10 int stats, 150% mana regen, +25 MS, plus its Cyclone, 2800 gold is worth to spent. Exellent when you play offensive using Thrall. You can use Cyclone to combo with your skills, chase your target, or even runaway from your chaser.
Blade Mail - Thrall is fragile. so he needs armor. This item can provide it plus mana and damage. If you go againts a lot of melee heroes, its Damage Returns is very useful. Its an extensions item for Thrall.
Vanguard - if EHP is concerned, get this item. Really helpful with your survivability in early-mid game.
Necronomicon - Used to add your mana and EHP. Its Demonic Summoning is really hard to use. But if you can manage to control them, they must be very annoying to other team.
Force Staff - Another extension item. Int stats, damage, and IAS. Its Force can be very useful during battle. Can chase the escaping enemy or push your target to your teammate's spell area.
Here is core late game item for him:

Here are Luxury late game items for him:

Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse - Very good stats (str, agl, especially int), mana regen, and Hex. Most players aim for this active ability. Disabling your opponent for 3.5 seconds is best when your skills are ready to launch.
Shiva's guard - Thrall is not a tank. So he desperately needs armor to survive the battle. HUge amount of mana also welcomed. Plus Its Aoe nuke and slow.
Linken's Sphere - Not only gives attributes and HP/Mana regen, but also provide you with ability to prevent the effect of deadly skill. Get this item if opponent's team has good nukers (such as Lina, Lion, Lucifer, etc)
Khadgar's Pipe of Insight - Gives magic resistance againts magic damagers. A situational item. Get it if the other team has a lot of magic spammers.
Ethereal Blade - Its here because of its Ether Blast. +40% damage from spell will be a serious damage to your enemies. But dont get this item first before you get Guinsoo.
Thrall the Far Seer Strategy
You can pick this hero if your team need carrier, supporter, or disabler.
You need to be supported by:
- Aoe Disabler:
Everyone who have an area stun (such as Leviathan, Bradwarden, Tauren)
- Aoe Nuker:
Everyone who have an area damage spell (such as Rylai, Nevermore, Invoker)
- Aoe Trapper:
Their spell will help you trap a lot of enemies (such as Enigma, Dark Seer, Magnataur)
Beware of his counter:
- Disabler:
Youre disabled, you take the damage, you cant do anything, and youre dead (Leviathan, Tiny, Tauren)
- Silencer and manaburners:
Once you are silenced or mana-emptied you can do nothing except normal attack. Thats not good at all (especially Lucifer the doom bringer)
- invisible caster and Magic-immune caster:
Your Thunder Strike effects no damage to them and they can escape your Static Field very easily (such as Rikimaru, Gondar, Purist, Naix, and bkb carrier)
You can go mid solo or dual laning. I prefer dual laning cause he is still fragile and with his teammate they can protect each other. But whatever lane you choose the strategy is still the same. Harass everytime you can and dominate the lane. The different is you will go more supportive to your ally if you choose dual lane.
In middle lane, it means you are solo, your role is to get more experience than your enemy. Its easy because of Thunder Strike has a huge nuke damage in early game. If the enemy decided to go back to fountain and TP back to lane, use Glimpse as soon as possible. It will bring him back to fountain and absolutely make him frustated :P Always try to harass and kill him.
If youre dual laning, always remember to higher your awareness due to early gank.
When youre on mid phase of the game, try to push the lane. But again always put a sight on every enemy on the map or you will get ganked easily. If the lane already pushed, there will be some heroes who come to defend. It means chance for gank.
In teamfights, use your skills to benefit your team as much as you can. Trap a whole enemies using kinetic Field then follow with Static Storm and Thunder Strike. If there is an enemy's hero who manage to survive, Glimpse him. The combo can be combined with other heroes skills to be more deadly. Try to survive this phase of the game by not getting pawned.
Late game is very dangerous for thrall. Because he is not a tank and there will be a lot of stronger late game heroes who can kill him in no time. The strategy is always go with your team. Wherever they are, whatever they do. Use your skills to support your team as much as you can. Try to win every team clashes. It's the only way to win the game.
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