Base Stats
Strength: 17 +1.9
Agility: 22 +2.5
Intelligence: 19 + 2.2
Attack Range: 475
Movement Speed: 295
Plasma Field

Minimum Charge Damage: 40/60/80/100
Max Charge Damage:70/105/140/175
Speed: 800
AOE: 600
Cooldown: 16
Manacost: 125
Note: This can hit a unit once going out and once coming back in. Charge increases to max going outwards, then decreases to min coming inwards. This is a full circle AOE effect, a radius of small electrical effects travel outwards. It spawns from where you are and moves out with you.
Static Link

Attack damage stolen per second: 5/10/15/20
Max link time: 10
Stolen duration: 13 seconds from link break.
Cast Range: 600
Break Range: 700
Manacost: 20/30/40/50
Cooldown: 45/40/35/30
Note: If you target a point on the ground, it will move in that path and lock onto the first hero it reaches. You have vision over the link itself.
Unstable Current

Movement Bonus: 3/6/9/12%
Damage: 40/60/80/100
Purge Duration: 0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2
Note: Does not trigger on attack orbs like Poison Attack or Frost Arrows
Eye of the Storm (Ultimate)

Damage: 37.5/50/62.5
Interval: 0.85/0.75/0.6
AOE: 500
Armor reduction per hit: 1 (stacks)
Duration: 20/25/30
Manacost: 100
Cooldown: 80/70/60
Damage dealt is physical. Only targets units in your vision.
This storm stops if Razor dies. Targets the lowest HP unit in the area.
Skills Build
Lv 1 : Plasma Field
Lv 2 : Unstable Current/Static Link
Lv 3 : Plasma Field
Lv 4 : Static Link/Unstable Current
Lv 5 : Plasma Field
Lv 6 : Eye of the Storm
Lv 7 : Plasma Field
Lv 8-10 : Unstable Current
Lv 11 : Eye of the Storm
Lv 12-14: Static Link
Lv15: Stats
Lv 16: Eye of the Storm
Lv 17-25: Stats
Plasma Field is maxing first as it's your primary nuke and farming tools. The second skill choice is depends on your enemies. If your enemies is melee, Static Link will be a good tool to increase your damage with cheap mana and improve last hitting. Not to mention the enemy damage also will be reduced. If your enemies are range, it's harder to cast and maintain the link. But still, take it on level 4 just in case a close battle is happen, this spell could be handy and the mana cost is really cheap.
Unstable Current is maxed after Plasma Field because you will benefits from the speed bonus and the purge will help you from escaping enemies gank. Static Link and Eye of the Storm is need to maintained within the range, hence Unstable Current will help you chase and keep the distance.
Eye of the Storm taken as soon as possible. When chasing or ganking activate it. This skill is not too efective if there's a lot of enemy creeps, because it will attack the lowest target instead of hero. But if there's nobody else there, your enemy will be crying while hitted by the storm. This skill also gives you a lot of kill on team battle, because it will automatically hit enemy with the lowest HP (Yay!).
Items Build
Core Items
Vanguard and STR Treads cover your low HP. Vanguard is needed since he will need tanking when coming closer to the enemies. Razor skills is need to kept on certain distance but he is lack of slow mechanism. Yasha will help you catch up with the enemies as well as an escape mechanism. With this items build, you can hit the enemies and also can escape thanks to your speed. Get a friend to gank, cast Static Link, cast Eye of the Storm & Plasma Field. Keep chasing and attack your enemies while your damage goes up thanks to Static Link. If your enemy is alone, usually you will get an easy kill. Especially if they are Agi or Int.
Buy a BKB if your enemies has many disabler, they will want you die fast on team battle because of your ultimate. If they lack of disabler, skip BKB and upgrade your Yasha into Manta Style. Manta is a great items for Razor as now it gives +10% movement speed bonus, not to mention it also gives you +26 Agility,+10 Strength,+10 Intelligence and +15% Attack Speed. The images also can help you distract your enemies when they try focusing on you. If the battle is not finished, buy Talisman of Evasion to increase your survivability. The 25% evasion is very neat. Finish it to Butterfly if the battle continues. Skadi is also viable since it gives you health, mana and damage. The only problem is it's very expensive.
Well, the new Razor is more fun to play. Now he is very versatile and can use many set of items build. Do you have great combo or item builds for him? Share your thought here :)
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